Using this strategy is not guaranteed to give you 100% all the time, but you should at least get one star most of the time. Make sure that the person you are raiding has a fair bit of Elixir so that you don’t end up losing Elixir. The higher level your Troops, the better chance you have of getting 100%. Also, you have a time limit, and therefore, using a Balloon may take too long. It is better to use a Dragon compared to a Balloon as Dragons do much more damage. Only use the second Balloon/Dragon if you need it. If you haven’t then just put down one Dragon/Balloon and you should get 100%. If you have completely taken out the enemy village with the archers, then you don’t need to use your Balloons/Dragons. If you need to break through Walls to get to the defenses, use the Wall Breakers. If you are using Balloons, and you have not taken out all Air Defenses, Archer Towers and Wizard Towers, try to put them as close as you can to those defenses, so that they don’t take much damage while they are traveling there.
If you are using Dragons, don’t worry too much about taking out the Wizard Toweras they are not very effective against Dragons.
Put Archers in small groups to take out defenses in this order – Air Defense, Archer Tower,Wizard Tower (don’t worry about Cannons and Mortars as they can’t damage Category:Air Troops).
Place 30-50 Archers all aound the enemy village (for distraction). You can use Balloons as a cheaper option if you don’t have/can’t afford Dragons. Try this effective attack strategy for Town Hall Level 8.